Friday, April 12, 2013

Synoptic Gospels ("Synoptic" means "of the same viewpoint")

Gospel of Mark (the first Gospel chronologically by the son of Peter gives the life of Jesus and recounts the miracles of Jesus)

Gospel of Matthew (the second gospel chronologically, but first in the Bible, by the tax collector, proves to the Jews from prophecies in the Old Testament that Jesus was the Son of God).

Gospel of Luke (Luke, the physician, recounts the early life of Jesus, shows the closeness of Jesus to the women and the sick; and then follows the gospel with the Acts of the Apostles, the history of the early Church).

Gospel of John  (the last Gospel chronologically, by John, the "apostle whom Jesus loved", the apostle who was given care of the mother of Jesus by Jesus from the Cross). In two parts, the Book of Signs (seven miracles) and the Book of Glory (the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus).

Book of Signs (7)

Jesus turns water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana

Jesus cures the son of the royal official at a distance

Jesus on the Sabbath cures the man ill for 38 years at the Temple's Sheep  Gate

Jesus feeds the multitude with five barley loves and two fish

Jesus walks on the water (crossing the Sea of Galilee)

Jesus cures the man blind from birth (with mud from Jesus' spittle and then wash in the pool of Siloam)

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead

Book of Glory (Passion, Death and Resurrection)

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